Twitch users to block:
Avoid opportunist streamers that support the USA, Russian Federation or People's Republic of China. These are novice Marxists or charlatans.
Many of the people on the list below have intentionally created and partaken in a campaign to harass, doxx, and slader me for things I never said. Please listen to "Kyle's Communist Podcast" from September to understand the context.
Opportunists to ignore (We do not endorse harssment of these viewers -- instead block/ban them):
- Leaping_Larry - Pro imperialist views. Tries to start streamer drama.. Promote Nazbol ideas. Supports Russian Imperialism and colonialism and Chinese imperialism. Proceeded to doxx me. Thinks everyone should pay him for his bad attitude and doxxing. Homophobe, Ableist. Slanders anyone that disagrees with him as racist.
- ComplainieLainie - Complicit in Leaping_Larry drama and supporter of Chinese/Russian imperialism. Hasan defender. Threatened to doxx us.
- thetwentysevenclub - Promoting Leaping_Larry's Nazbol drama and white supremacy.
Large Streamers:
- HasanAbi - shaking hands with Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA, Bothsidings the genocide, punching left calling other protesters "Heartless."
- Rath_bone - Watches dance videos while ignoring protesters. Did an interview with neo-fascist Midwestern Marx in September 2024.
- Cinemarxism - Hasan stan. Lacks critical marxist views.
Small Streamers:
- vNTCv - Defender of the Russian Federation, Doxxer, and trouble maker that hides behind "harassment" when you criticize their views. Ban/Block ASAP.
- Daydreambeyond - Associate of ComplaineLainie. She got mad at me for saying "Streamers should be talking politics, not playing video games." That was enough for her to engage in spreading lies.
- spilledbagofice - "Unapologetic Hasanabi Head". Seen spreading Leaping_Larry drama and lies across twitch; drama, slander, and libel.
- Almeck - embeds himself in communities only to have violent mood swings. Warning: he’ll subscribe for months then demand a refund (not possible via Twitch). Ad hominem attacks and petty emotional drama.
- Landomlazylizardslounge - defending other streamers on this list. Used to attend 95% of my streams until ComplainieLainie started drama then he bandwagoned and badmouthed on Twitter.**
- cherry_kickstart friend and loyal supporter of Leaping_Larry's drama. Creates false accusations against streamers.
This stream does not look to "make friends" with opportunists, distorters, and enemies of Marxism. We do not tolerate those that share Nazbol positions or promote white supremacy.
We never encourage harassment or retaliation against these streamers. Simply block them and move on.
Twitch users we recommend blocking:
Leaping_Larry’s Twitter Nazbol Guards: