Anthony DePice #StopCopCity on Instagram: "@redstreamnet: Ri*ts broke out in Buenos Aires against the senatorial approval of a devastating austerity package by ultra-neoliberal President Javier Milei. During the 11-hour debate in the senate, police escalated the crackdown against a broad front of protesters outside the building. Molotovs, water cannons, tear gas, rubber bul*ets, police cars set on fi*e, and more dominated the scene deep into the night in Argentina’s capital. Milei has failed to pass a single piece of legislation during his first six months in office. However, he has pushed through massive austerity measures for social programs and universities, squeezing the country’s working class. The official poverty rate in Argentina is currently over 50%. Growing anger over the demolition of the last pillars of the welfare state is triggering the escalation on the streets. While Argentina’s inflation hangs around 300%, Milei is busy on the international stage currying favor with US, Israeli, and European far-right politicians. #ArgentinaProtests #MileiProtests #BuenosAiresManifestation"